Monday, October 15, 2012

Anxiety, Bullying, and More! Oh My!

Like rocker Alice Cooper once said: "Welcome to my nightmare."

Sure, it would be wonderful if my life was virtually untouched by the past.  But, as the cliche' says: That which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.  Besides, a blog about a guy who lived a rather plain, routine life without a drop of drama would be quite boring.  So, let's begin.

You could easily consider me the Poster Boy for anxiety and panic attacks.  Reviewing my "track record" in life, you'd understand why I fought these painful issues daily for a long time.  Among the "highlights" are:

*Being threatened with death to my family by my YMCA swim teacher after I caught him      molesting another boy.
*Almost being molested myself, at age 10, by a male teacher.
*Constant bullying from my peers from ages 12-18 on an almost daily basis.
*Being physically assaulted  by a former wife (who shall remain nameless) because I refused to fight back.
*Nearly losing my two adult sons forever because I was often the Absent Father of the Year.
*Three failed marriages, numerous dating breakups, one half-hearted, yet attempted suicide, and so many numerous disappointments.

I could go on, but you've got the message: My life has had more drama than a soap opera.  Besides, if I told everything in my first post, what would be the point in reading onward?  We have plenty of time for that in future posts.

My blog is not designed to be a "woe-is-me" tale of pain, injustice, abuse, and horror.  You'll also notice that I won't play the "Blame Game"--pointing the finger at everyone else for my problems.  I'm relatively intelligent and realize most of the blame lies within.

No.  My blog is designed as part journal/part personal therapy with three purposes in mind:

1.) To Help Others Avoid Making the Mistakes I Did.  At 55, I've wasted years of precious life making these mistakes. I can't get back these years; I can only learn from my mistakes and move on.  Yet, perhaps I can offer you, the reader, a few grains of new-found wisdom along the way--so you make better decisions when confronting such issues or avoid these mistakes altogether.

2.)  To Bring A Touch of Humor Along the Way.  Life without a chuckle, snort, or laugh daily is incredibly dull.  The last thing I want is for my posts to put you to sleep with a bunch of lifeless, humorless words.  Besides, you'll stop reading this blog and demand your money back!

3.)  To Help You Start Living A Happier, Fulfilling Life.  While there is still breath in my middle-aged body, I'm determined to live a healthy, happy, richer life.  How about you?  It is my sincere prayer my words will bring you comfort, joy, and inner-peace.  Life is meant to be savored, not to wallow in misery.

Enjoy the journey!